Sustainable Greetings: Why Digital Cards Are Better for Our Planet

Digital transformation offers companies numerous ways to operate more sustainably. A simple yet impactful step is transitioning from printed to digital cards for holidays, birthdays, or events. 

This shift significantly reduces your ecological footprint by saving paper, transport, energy, and waste, actively supporting environmental conservation. On this page, learn about the environmental benefits of digital cards and get practical tips for sustainable business practices."


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Sustainable reasons for switching to eCards

The decision to switch to eCards not only offers a modern and efficient means of communication,
but also makes a significant contribution to environmental protection.

Reason 1: Reduced Resource Consumption 

Digital cards eliminate the need for paper, ink, and other physical (often chemical) materials used in producing and mailing printed cards. This shift reduces the demand for natural resources and significantly lowers your ecological footprint.

Example: A company sending 1,000 greeting cards annually could save around 100 pounds of paper and 0.13 gallons of printer ink by switching to digital cards.

Example calculation for paper savings: 

  • Average weight of a standard greeting card (including envelope): approx. 1.6 ounces 
  • 1,000 cards x 1.6 ounces = 100 pounds

Example calculation for ink savings: 

  • Average ink usage for a colored greeting card: approx. 0.02 ounces per card 
  • 1,000 cards x 0.02 ounces = 0.13 gallons
  •  Additionally, it doesn't account for environmentally harmful embellishments like foil effects or glossy varnish.

These estimates can vary significantly, as high-quality cards with intricate designs and rich colors require more ink.

Is Recycled Paper the Answer?

Let’s get one thing straight: Using recycled paper is certainly a better alternative to conventional 'single-use cards.' However, even with cards made from 100% recycled and FSC-certified paper, the production process and shipping still generate CO2 emissions.

Reason 2: Lower Energy Consumption

Producing and transporting printed cards consumes a lot of energy—from paper manufacturing to printing and distribution. Digital cards significantly cut these energy costs by utilizing only electronic resources.

Reason 3: Waste Reduction

Let’s face it: Printed cards are often quickly glanced at and then tossed in the trash. This generates waste that frequently isn’t recycled and ends up in landfills. Digital cards eliminate this issue entirely.

Reason 4: Saving on Transport Emissions

Shipping physical cards relies on transportation, consuming fuel and generating CO2 emissions. Digital cards are sent via the internet, eliminating these emissions entirely.

Reason 5: Promoting a Sustainability Culture

Adopting digital cards highlights your company’s commitment to sustainability. It sets a powerful example, encouraging other businesses and customers to embrace similar eco-friendly practices.

Additional Eco-Friendly Reasons for Digital Cards

Reason 6: Easy & Cost-Effective Customization

Digital cards allow for quick and affordable adjustments—an invaluable perk, especially in the business world where projects often face last-minute changes or final tweaks despite multiple approval rounds. 

If the cards were already printed, you’d face either significant waste and extra costs or end up without the card you envisioned.

Reason 7: Enhanced Efficiency & Flexibility

eCards provide a swift and adaptable solution, allowing for immediate global distribution without delays or the need for extra resources associated with physical mailing. Transitioning to digital cards enables businesses to lower operational costs, increase efficiency, significantly contribute to environmental protection, and bolster their reputation as a sustainable and responsible organization.

A black background featuring two computer screens displaying a golden design with the text "Design and send your eCard!"
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Make a Statement with Sustainable Action

By using Power eCard, you demonstrate to your customers, business partners, and employees that your company cares about our environment and that sustainability is more than just a buzzword. 

To further raise awareness among recipients of your digital cards, you can incorporate our campaign logo into your design, whether it's an email or eCard. We're happy to provide the logo in the appropriate format or assist with integration. Simply reach out to us via email: support[at]


Logo featuring a green leaf inside a circular design, with the words "Paperless for the sake of the environment" surrounding it.
Three headshot portraits of young adults in circular frames, smiling at the camera.
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